Onboarding design is an introductory process that will help users to get to know the various features found on the website or application or can be an introduction to how to buy products and register on the website.
If you succeed in creating a good onboarding design it will make users happy and immediately register, subscribe or buy your product. But if the onboarding design does not match user expectations then get ready for your website to be immediately closed, or if it is an application, then the user will immediately uninstall the application.
You must research who the target market of your website or application is so that the onboarding design you create is not in vain. On several occasions, I have participated in UI design challenges in the Topcoder community when there were requirements to create an onboarding design. So it never hurts you to learn this because someday you will definitely need it.
Source: Icons8
Try making an onboarding design that displays some of the best features or superior products on the application or website. This is very crucial in terms of the client’s first impression. If the user is interested in the features or products that you display in the onboarding design then the user will take actions such as registering, subscribing to and even buying the product offered. But, if you are not able to create an onboarding design that displays features or products, it is likely that users will exit the application or website.
Every word contained in the onboarding design must be of interest to the user or arouse curiosity. You can use active verbs or instructions that are difficult for users to refuse. If you still don’t have ideas about this try to read various articles about copywriting on the internet.
You must determine the purpose of copywriting, such as increasing traffic or education about your product. Make copywriting that focuses on benefits because you have limited space in the design to include it. Don’t forget to include testimonials from users who are satisfied with the products offered to touch the emotions of readers. Of course, if the copywriting you make doesn’t look like it sells openly, users will be interested in what you offer because your product is interesting or your product helps them.
Source: Filip Justić
Onboarding tutorials help users find out in advance whether your design provides a good or bad user experience, and to understand the flow before they actually register on your website or application. The existence of a short tour that tells the location of features in your design really helps users to get a first impression of your design.
Source: Cuberto
Good onboarding clearly explains each feature displayed. Therefore you should display only one feature on each onboarding screen, accompanied by a few lines that will explain the feature using interesting language that makes the user curious.
Provide progress bars and buttons to go back and forward so users can easily return to the previous feature or continue to the next. This is very important because usually, the user will repeatedly read the features you describe before they decide to use your application.
Make sure you make three or four onboarding screens. If you only make one or two onboarding screens, new users will perceive that the application or website does not have superior features or products. But, if you make more than four onboarding screens new users may find your application or website difficult and a waste of time on their first try. It may be that users will immediately exit and there will be no conversion on your application or website.
Source: Cuberto
You can also use the onboarding design as an introduction to the steps to be taken by the user, for example, starting with registration, preferred payment, to the desired notification. Include a progress bar at the bottom of the screen to help the user know the order in which the process is being viewed. When the user has completed all the onboarding processes then you can display a success message like “Welcome, now you can access all the features in our application”.
The benefit of onboarding design is to provide users with information about your website or application that will help them get their first impression quickly even if they haven’t used your design directly.
Try to make onboarding simple in terms of design elements, though it can explain a lot about the features that you display. Onboarding design is one of the many UI / UX designs that is very fun to explore more deeply. You can see a lot of inspiring onboarding designs in dribbble and behance. Hopefully, this article will be useful for you.